Flat Feet Gait Re-Training Program
Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, occur when the arch of the foot collapses, causing the foot to flatten out. While some people with flat feet may not experience any pain or discomfort, but most people experience pain, swelling, or fatigue in the feet, legs, or lower back.
Kau's Method Gait Re-Training, recover foot arch with skilled muscle-controlled walking without the help of a foot orthosis (a.k.a insole) or invasive surgery.
Here is the gait re-training treatment protocol:
Stage 1: Sitting Mode (Static)
Children develop arch awareness without gravity's influence, a crucial first step in the restoration process.
Stage 2: Standing Mode (Static + Gravity Influence)
Kids learn to activate and strengthen their arch muscles while bearing their weight, building on their static arch awareness.
Stage 3: Walking Mode (Dynamic + Gravity + Slow Speed)
Children practice walking with engaged arch muscles under the influence of gravity, reinforcing proper heel-to-toe mechanics.
Stage 4: Squatting Mode (Multi-joint dynamic + Gravity + Slow Speed)
Dynamic squatting exercises further enhance arch muscle strength and stability.
Stage 5: Jumping Mode (Multi-joint dynamic + Gravity + Fast Speed)
Kids solidify their arch muscle memory through dynamic jumping exercises, ensuring subconscious engagement during daily activities.
Stage 6: Running Mode (Multi-joint dynamic + Gravity + Fast Speed)
The final stage focuses on running with a properly arched foot, further ingraining proper heel-to-toe mechanics.
For children with mild arch flattening conditions, our gait re-training program can typically be completed within a month, consisting of approximately 4 sessions. Severe cases may require more than a month and more than 5 sessions for effective results.